Monday, October 18, 2010

What does your nothing look like?

It's inevitable, every day I'm asked either by my husband or by a girlfriend I'm chatting with on the phone, the BIG question... "what did you do today?" or "what are you going to do today?"

My response.. usually...Always the same- "Um nothing."

Here is what my NOTHING looks like from one morning last week, actually just about 30 min of my a.m...

8:03 am- Wake up... (already behind schedule, due to a late night out with girlfriends) Kenny should be at the bus stop, but since daddy is still home he can take him...

8:03 am- In kitchen whipping up some waffles (Lego my Eggo) love the toaster! no they aren't wheat and yes we use syrup EVERY morning, yogurt, chocolate milk, orange juice

8:15 am- Reading what is on the lunch menu to Kenny and it sounds disgusting even horrifying, but I keep my face neutral so that he may decide on his own...He says "Uh, I'll do a lunch box", I smile and say "Yep that's what I would do!"

8:17 am- packing a lunch just as fast as I possibly can while coaching Kenny on his morning routine..."wash hands, brush teeth, hold on I'll be in to fix your hair"

8:25 am- coaching again...."shoes on, back pack on, jacket on, grab your lunch box", "do not walk on the carpet with your shoes on!" "come over here let me see your backpack" (of course totally contradicting my previous comment)

8:27-  reaching into his backpack and realizing I didn't have him read to me out of his "book buddy" bag and so that means I didn't sign the sheet that I'm supposed to sign so that his teacher knows he read to me, and I don't want to look bad so I whip out a book and say "OK, read this to me", I sign the sheet and then feel better about myself. Awful I know, totally forgot about the concept that him reading isn't about me...

8:33- out the door with daddy as I say "don't drive fast, but DO NOT be late"

8:34- looking around and wondering where my other two children are, as they are usually put on a hold button while I scurry around and get my one child ready for school...somehow they put themselves in the bathtub and.... there is water Everywhere...and think to myself "here we go:)"

I'm sure that your mornings/days may look similar or maybe you've got them totally down and it runs a little smoother. However, are you giving yourself the credit you deserve as a mom? I mean do you find yourself saying "oh, nothing" when you are asked what you did during the day?

Defining our days as "nothing", causes us to believe and think that we in FACT are doing NOTHING. It puts negativity into our minds as our roles as mothers, as our roles as S@HM's, who we are as women and what our worth is.

So the next time you are asked "What did you do today?", conjure up a really fun response each time! Here are some you could try:


 1. I clothed the naked and fed the poor, and cleanded out the pantry:)

2. I tried my hand at housekeeping today.

3. I decided that today you would get a HOTT wife AND a hot meal! (this is huge in my house, normally he doesn't get both in the same day).

4. I played dolls and dinosaurs, listened to baby Mozart, made Picasso look bad and taught the ABC's in sign language.

5. I set an example for my daughter of how nice girls speak, I cuddled her when she cried. I listened to my sons excitement when he came home from school and, oh yes, I watched Dr. Phil:)

I promise that this will make you feel like you in FACT did do SOMETHING! because you in fact DID:)


  1. good reminder...:) i'm going to have a "something" day!!

  2. Thanks for this post! Being fairly new to the whole S@HM gig, sometimes I really wonder why other moms even ask that question and think that they certainly must do something interesting and out of the ordinary every day if they feel inclined to ask that question of others. I make a point not to because I fear the dreaded question myself. But I am glad to know that I am not alone and appreciate the challenge to think of creative and positive responses. Because we certainly do not sit around doing "nothing" all day!

  3. I have gotten in the habit of saying "The ususal" instead of "nothing" when someone asks. It's still minimizes it a bit I guess but it's not "nothing". This reminds me of the post Amy did a while back on her blog about how she can go a whole day and not finish a single task:)

  4. Sometimes I feel like I do nothing but Daniel always reminds me that I play, read, feed, entertain Caleb all day. I just wish the house would clean itself!

  5. Thanks, I really needed to hear this today. I literally just got off the phone with my hubby 5 minutes ago and told him we're doing nothing today. It's funny how exhausted I feel and yet without thinking twice told my husband on the phone I did "nothing". I guess I must have done something or I wouldn't feel this out of breath all the time.:)
