Monday, October 4, 2010

Mommy Guilt Count Down

Ugh guilt is bad, but Mommy guilt is even badder (I know this is not a word I just like the way it sounds;) Here are a few things I feel guilty about as a mom...(and the list isn't all inclusive:)

20. If I get my kids to bed too late

19. Not wanting to read another story to them...

18. When they run out of clean underwear

17. Feeding them Mcdonalds on $2.OO Happy Meal Night (Check your local McD's for your HMN)

16. Doing homework on Sunday evenings....

15. Having a grocery cart full of crap food and running into the healthiest mom EVER at the store...

14. Being too tired to bathe my children before bedtime

13. Forgetting to brush their teeth

12. If I put my kids to bed too early

11. T.V.

10. Buying pre-made cookie dough

9. Their sheets not getting washed weekly OR biweekly unless there is puke/pee or visible snot on them

8. That I'm ANTI organized sports for little kids, for various of them being I'm too lazy

7. Sometimes I have a favorite

6. Having freak out moments

5. Not buying ice cream from the ice cream man even when all the "other kids" parents are

4. That their rooms aren't pottery barn decorated or really "decorated" at all

3. Hating fundraisers and so my kid doesn't get the ridiculous toy/glory that comes from participating

2. Them waking me up in the morning


Fill in number 1 with your worst Mommy GUILT. I'd love to hear it AND it would help me feel so much better about myself!


  1. uh, i relate with bascially all 19 of know that :)
    i think my #1 mommy guilt is having to tell them "no" to something they really want to have/do...usually because of the other little kids. makes me wonder--not really, but just in the moment--if they are missing out on life opportunities by having a large family. i know they aren't, i know their life is full and happy and i love them and know them as well as if they were an only child...but the guilt makes me wonder...

  2. We all can relate. (I think) My number one guilt, which I do all of the time, is always saying "come on hurry up, lets go. We are late." I feel like I am always rushing her. Really what is so important?!? I must be so annoying to her when I do this! I have an issue with always wanting to be on time. However, I have been trying to get a little better:) I think age is making me relax a little. Ugh thats a whole other issue!
    - Mandy

  3. 1. My kid looks cuter than me almost everyday...

  4. You read my mind! I better not even start to list the rest or pick a #1 because there are too many!!!

  5. When I look forward to nap time so I can knit or watch something on TIVO that isn't sesame street or super why.

  6. When I tell them they cant have candy or another cookie so that I can eat it when they go to sleep! OH THAT'S AWFUL!!! DON'T JUDGE ME!

  7. When my kid made a behavior chart for me so I could calm down...and I think he was right. Yikes!

  8. When I lose my temper and scream at my kids... inevitably, the next day I'll hear someone reminiscing on how wonderful their mother was and how she "never raised her voice."

  9. I'm still laughing @ Keith's comment! Um I can relate to ALL of them... I never heard anyone say the organized sports one... glad I'm not alone there. I'd have to say mine is yelling..'s not even cute or funny... probably the ugliest thing about me!
