Monday, October 25, 2010

Something to think about...

"All women have struggles of which we are often not aware. Some struggle with infertility, others with wayward children, and others with depression or a troubled marriage. Yet we typically only see these women at their best"...and may I add, occasionally at their worst, you know having a bad mom moment in public or at church?..."and if we were to judge them by appearances or compare our lot with theirs"...good or bad..."we would truly end up with a distorted picture of reality." - Contentment by Maria Covey Cole

I certainly don't want to be judged by anyone on how I mother my children. I think that they themselves can and will be a testament of that. However, I have fleeting thoughts of other mothers all the time...from "why is she smoking in the car with her children? ugh what a bad mom. i would never do that" (easy for me to say...I don't smoke). I see women in the grocery store and it's really late at night, like past bed time late at night, and they have a crying toddler and they are frustrated and I think "doesn't she see, the child is tired. my goodness pull yourself together woman." ( needless to say i don't know her family circumstance). Shame on me.

I truly believe that most women try to be good moms. We love our children. We want the best for them and would go to any length to give it to them. We ourselves are not perfect and we all learn from our own mistakes. So don't be hard on yourselves, or OTHER MOMS. Try to reach out when you see a mom having a bad mom moment, take her side, give her the benefit that she is trying HER best.

"There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities and certainly different children." - Elder M. Russell Ballard


  1. truth! by the are a fantastic mom! :)

  2. I SO do the grocery-shopping-with-a-kid-late-at-night one! BUT maybe they are a single Mom? Or Dad worked late and she didn't have a choice? Thanks for the reminder Sunny. And Amy's right, you are a fantastic Mom:)

  3. I had a realty check today because I used to hate when other people kids had snot crusted runny noses. I couldn't understand how hard it was to just keep their nose clean. Now I understand how hard it is to wipe those noses. I have to hold him down and usually get screamed at.......

  4. Oh love! I think this is so true!
    I needed to hear this!
    I'm the worst!
    I love you!
