Wednesday, October 6, 2010

tough job market

6 signs you need a new job:
(list from an online article i found this week)

sign want to make more money
really? they have to even ask? i read a study a few years ago that added up the "salary" of a s@hm...$135,000 a year. yeah, pretty sure i'd know if i was bringing in those numbers.

sign are bored with your job
now, bored isn't really in the vocabulary of a s@hm, right? just ask my kids...if i hear them say they are bored, i rattle off a list a mile long of things that could keep them perfectly busy. but it's all about choices...choosing to avoid the dishes by playing on facebook, for example, could be translated as boredom. by the innocent bystander...

sign are getting passed over for promotion
i know my kids think i'm pretty top-notch. but i've never heard them whine and on the verge of tears because they want to stay at home with me. and they've never run circles around the house and let out high-pitched squeals at news of my arrival back to them. these reactions are reserved for friends' moms, cousins, and beloved aunties and uncles. when your 2 year-old skins her knee and asks for ashley, you know you got passed over.

sign are afraid of getting laid off
this is actually a pretty sentimental sign...i mean, pretty sure my family won't fire me tomorrow one would know where to find the scotch tape! however, they are growing up. my duties and the degree to which they need me is changing. and one day...i'll only have my own chicken to cut up and laundry will take all of 2 hours. yes, i'm afraid of that.

sign search job postings while at work
just the occasional daydream, really. i think i'd be a great guinea pig for massage students. i'd like to try my had at being a food critic. and every once in a while i check on the need for a circus performer...but then i realize that is my life every day--thursdays in particular--and i scratch that from the list.

sign dread waking up in the morning
who wouldn't dread being body-slammed by a 4 year-old?! or kicked in the ribs by a bed invader?! or my personal favorite...a nicely aimed pitch at my face with a sippee cup and a request (demand) for apple juice?! if i could hear the chatter of birds above the little bodies at 6:30am, i might think mornings were quite delightful!

can you relate?

**just feel i should point out... i love love love love love my job! and i hope you do too :)


  1. K seriously Amy you are the funniest person I know....on paper:) For real I LOVE THIS! And I think it should be published! Working on that in our spare time right?:) And of course I can relate and feel so much the same! Can you imagine making 135,000$ bucks a year!!!!??? So awesome I all the sudden feel of more value right now;)

  2. Your kids run around in circles when you come home! When I was with them over the weekend last year they were overjoyed to have you return home! I think you forget this because you're never gone for THAT long:) I am kinda jealous Ellie asked for Ashley and not me too...let's cry together. As always, I love it!

  3. Okay for real!! This is so the truth!! I need a new job!! I do have one it 135,000 PER child?! Cuz, if that's the case I'm gonna have a dozen!!

  4. OH MY heck! you are hilarious.. I love the pinch in the face.. I'm still laughin'
