Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I hope you read this!

From Wednesday all the way to Monday I contemplate what I am going to blog about on Tuesday!
I thought that I was the type of person that would be able to go on and on!
I thought that I was the type of person that would not have a problem figuring out what to write!
I was wrong!
I have been unable to think of something to write all week!!

I love Oprah!

I know, I know…

There are times when I wonder about her!

However, I love her!

(And Ellen!)

I love her so much (and long to be apart of her studio audience) that I record her shows!

She comes on at 4 and I’m doing housework, schoolwork, and prepping for dinner at that time.

Then when I get some coveted alone time, I spend it with Oprah!

(Sorry honeyman, but that’s what happens when you make me drop my phone in my cereal and it breaks! Yes, true story…that happened to me at dinner…last night!…it was terrible!)

Last night I was catching up!
I watched the interview with Lisa Marie Presley.
My heart hurt for her!
I wanted to hug her.
I wanted Michael Jackson to be alive again so that she could make things right with him.
I was sad.

Then sadness turned to anger…
I watched another!

This time it was about a woman that had four children…
She is not worthy to hold the title of “Mother” so I will not call her that…

She shot 3 of her children in the head.
She killed one.
She paralyzed one.
She caused a stroke for one.
After that she deliberately got pregnant to fill the void of loneliness.


This was her fourth.
By the time she had her she was sentenced to prison for life.
Her fourth baby was given up for adoption!
She was raised by a loving family.
I was happy for her!

Then I watched another!
Yes, I stayed up until way past midnight!

This was about a beautiful family!
A dad.
A mom.
And 3 beautiful babies.

It was also about the worst day of their lives.

In short, they were a happy family!
They had tons of fun and loved each other!
The mother went out one day with her 3 beautiful babies…
Ages 5, 4, and 2 ½…
(Kyle, Katie, and Emma)

They were stuck in traffic.
They were stuck in a “blind curve”.
I was unaware of what a blind curve was until I watched the show…now, I scared of them!
An 18-wheeler was unaware of the stopped traffic at said curve.
He smashed into the back of their minivan.
Killing all three of those beautiful children.

At this point I’m sobbing listening to how they had a funeral service for 3 children.
Can you imagine?
I can’t imagine losing one, BUT THREE?!
Words cannot explain the sadness.

Then the twist…

Almost a year to the day, the beautiful mama gave birth again!
To triplets!
A boy and two girls!
Can you believe it?!

At this point I’m sobbing again!
What a beautiful blessing from the Lord, no?

After turning off the TV I knew what I wanted to blog about!
I wanted to blog about how similar everyone’s lives are…

We all experience pain and heartache.
We all have a different story to tell.
We all are going through our own sadness.

It doesn’t matter if we are famous rock stars…
It doesn’t matter if we were born to a woman that didn’t know how to mother…
It doesn’t matter if we have the most beautiful children and loving spouse…

We are not guaranteed a perfect earthly experience…

I noticed that in each of these stories the “victims” found a way to be happy.
They walked through the pain and found a way to live.

I don’t know their beliefs or complete background…
However, I do know they each had something different about them…
Something I have seen so many people without…

They had hope in their eyes…
They each said at some point in the interview,

“I hope so”…

That hit me so strongly.

They hope for better days to come.
They hope to be reunited with their children.
They hope for clarity and understanding.
They hope for justice.

No matter what they were going through, they had hope!

President James E Faust has said,
“Everybody in this life has their challenges and difficulties. That is part of our mortal test. The reason for some of these trials cannot be readily understood except on the basis of faith and hope because there is often a larger purpose which we do not always understand. Peace comes through hope”.

He goes on to say,
“Our greatest hope comes from the knowledge that the Savior broke the bands of death. His victory came through His excruciating pain, suffering, and agony. He atoned for our sins if we repent”.

Although all of these people that were interviewed on Oprah may not be of the faith that I am…there is still a hope for something greater and bigger than us all.

I hope they are comforted in their trials in this life…
That is also my hope for all of you beautiful s@hm’s!
I hope that each day is filled with love.
Not just during the holiday seasons…but all of time.
I hope we never take our family for granted…or each other!
We need each other more and more each day.
I hope that as we enter into the holidays we do it with forgiveness in our hearts…
I hope that we each see the difference hope can bring…
I hope you are not annoyed with such a long post! LOL
I hope you know I love you!

Here is one of my favorite haikus:

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don’t make sense

I hope you laughed!!
Have a great week y’all…
Till next Tuesday…


  1. Ok, can I just say I got the chills when I read about the triplets??! Really, and each time I think about it, I get them again, and again.. and again! AWESOME how the Lord knows what's best even though we like to think we have some thing to do with it!? Good post.. until next Tuesday!


  2. Oh same, chills all the way to the bone. So gonna have to go watch it. I too love Oprah. I can't help it. She does amazing things for people. I LOVE love Ellen. For real there isn't a show I watch that I don't laugh OUTLOUD she is freaking hilarious, and I think we would be besties if she new me!

  3. Funny we all got chills reading it. It was those good feeling chills! Your post uplifted me and made me want to do better. Life really is too short to hold grudges or judge others actions. Hope is a beautiful thing!
