Monday, February 14, 2011


Actually I am like the Grinch that stole Christmas on Valentines Day. I know it's sad, but I just don't get too wrapped up in this holiday. Flowers, jewelry etc...just don't do it for me. I won't get on my soap box....with that said, I do enjoy MAKING homemade valentines for my kids and hubby. I guess it's maybe just the commercialization of the holiday I don't like.

So last night we geared up for a long crafty, glitter, glue making session at the table. I have to say our Valentine cards are perfect!

If you feel the same way that I do, try getting creative with the things you have at home. Expressing our love for one another is something we should do daily, but it's always fun to put a little sparklie on it! You still have all day to MAKE a fun card for those little people and honey you LOVE so much!!! Happy Valentines Day!