Friday, February 25, 2011

Stand Up and Get Paid!

How awesome would it be to see this at the end of every hard week?!

I have been thinking recently about the "broke mothers of America". Not to say that we need to be paid for what we do....but YES, I am saying that we should get paid for what we do!!

Don't you ever get tired of thinking about that new fragrance or those cute pair of jeans that you happen to see in the store...stopped to fantasize about you buying it and then putting it back because you have to be practical and spend that money on diapers?!?!

What is wrong with this picture?! DOES YOUR HUSBAND THINK THESE THINGS? Ummmm, NO!

And so, I think that we should take into consideration what others do and what they get.
For example :
Husbands: they mostly go to work and get paid for doing their job.
Kids: most kids these days do chores and get paid for doing their 'job'.
Moms: they take care of the Husband and the Kids and the House and they DON'T get paid.

Do you see where I am going with this?

Now, I am not suggesting a riot or strike. All I am asking for is $10-$20 per week ALL TO MYSELF! A fund from which diapers, food, soap, children's toys or clothing, car repairs or any kind of bill may NOT be purchased or paid. I am talking about MOMMY MONEY, and at least 2 hours each month in which to go out with my girlfriends and spend my MOMMY MONEY how ever I want. Sounds like a deal to me.

Mommy Money :)

Fight for your right to get Paid!
Cuz We Are Worth It!


  1. I obviously am JUST now seeing this! Hilarious picture on the money! However if you are going to put my face on it, you must add a few zeros on that bill! Love it, and love the idea about getting your own money. I get paid a set amount every month to do what I want when I want AND its fab!
