Friday, February 18, 2011

the Car Nap Property

Now is it just me or does riding in a car take kids to another demention?!

I have found that they either go NUTS, or fall ASLEEP!
My little guy is one of the "fall asleep" type...and I dont think I like it. There is a car nap vortex that takes over when he starts to snooze. As if this black whole of time takes over the inside of the car and allows him to sleep, for what we believe to be 5 MINUTES, yet, to him it has been 2 HOURS!


So, when I take him out of the car and put him in his bed (thinking, "Oh, he is super tired. Maybe he will sleep for an hour of two".) he lays down as if he is the heaviest sleeper in the world. To my dismay, he wakes up about 15 minutes later refreshed and bursting with energy.

What do I do with this?
I know the truth, that he has only slept a TOTAL of 20 minutes and I feel like that has not been enough. YET, he knows that the Car Nap Property was in effect for 5 minutes of that time which made his nap really about 2 hours and 15 minutes.

If only I had the intellegence of my 1 year old.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! And it's so true! Ughh! I can't tell you how many times of prayed as I'm carrying in my sleeping babies or even toddlers that they would STAY asleeep! Sometimes that prayer gets answered and sometimes my child has a different plan;)
