Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Apocalypse?

Can anyone tell me where January went?!  Really?!


I'd love to know what some you think about this:

I'm curious to know what other S@HMs think about that!  I don't know what I think about it....All I know is that I'm curious enough to find out!!!  I kind of can't wait until next December now!  Still kind of nervous, too!  They seem to have been correct on other predictions...


  1. I cant wait to see what it brings. I just hope to have 3 mos of food and water and fire making done by then.

  2. There is actually a lot of interesting things that are suppose to happen on 12-21-2012. And I think the Mayans knew a lot of things that we are blinded by. Not that we cant know them now...just that we choose not to think of them. From my research there is a lot of spiritual enlightenment that will be happening, if you are open to it!
