Friday, February 4, 2011

Live Large with a Tight Purse

Although I fantasize about the way awesome job he will have one day when he finally gets out of college....there is a part of me that knows that we might be lucky to hit anywhere over $40,000.
So, the more I think about the future, the more I realize that how well I want to live then depends on most of the choices that I am making NOW!

Here are a few ideas to help you make an awesome future:

1. Host a potluck with friends - Who needs to go drive out to a fancy restaurant and wait for 45minutes to sit and eat some "pretty good" food?! Why not get all dressed up and invite over some great friends with a themed potluck.

2. Get rid of the fake color - Even though they say "blonde's have more fun", that does not mean that you have to be an 'unnatural blonde' to participate in the fun. Embrace who you are naturally and get your colorist to dye you back to your natural hair color and give up the $200/year (or more) habit of trying to look like someone you are not. - or you could just become a "box dye" kinda girl -  .

3. Kick it up a notch in the kitchen - Why make the same spaghetti and meatballs for the 3rd night in a row...get a little gutsy and try out one of your favorite dishes from your favorite restaurant. There are tons of great recipes at

4. Make the trade - Everyone has something to find a way to 'give it up' for something you need or want. I have made many trades with friends, doing photo sessions in exchange for a new winter hat, scarf and gloves. Get creative. Take an inventory of your friends and family and rub elbows with them. Letting them know that you value their skills and are willing to make it a WIN/WIN situation!

How do you Tighten your Purse?

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