Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Called to Serve...

My little brother just left yesterday to serve the Lord for two years!! 
He was called to labor in the San Bernardino California Mission!! 
He enters the MTC (Missionary Training Center) tomorrow!!

I am so happy that he chose to go on a mission!  I know that he will serve with all of his heart!! 

I spent the weekend with the family and it was wonderful.
Too many laughs and tears to count!

We sobbed at the airport...
We sobbed in the car...
We sobbed at home...

As my mama squeezed my brother one last time, as tightly as she could...with tears streaming down their faces...I heard her say, "This is what I raised you for"...

It had me thinking...

What am I raising my youngins for?!
Am I raising them each day to serve the Lord with all of their heart?
Am I raising them to talk to people about what they believe?
Am I raising them to be eager to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever the Lord may send them?

I hope that I raise them to be like my brother.
To be strong and immovable in the Gospel...
To be ready to serve our brothers and sisters...

I miss my brother, I'm not gonna lie...
And two years seems like a lifetime away...

But I'm excited to share blessings with him while he is serving...
I'm excited to see him come home a man of God...
I'm excited to hear of his adventures...

We just wrote him his first letters from us...
We are pathetic!!! =)

I love the people of San Bernardino California...
And they have a huge bunch of people praying for them...their safety...and their acceptance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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