Wednesday, November 17, 2010

i do...

do you love our new background? i do...

i'm just wondering lately...what makes a good mom? i mean, we all have our different "parenting style". we all have different skill levels and interests in things like cooking, cleaning house, sewing, party planning, decorating, etc. we are all different ages and come from all different backgrounds. we are in all sorts of financial situations. how are we each successful at being "a good mom"?

well, i think the answers to that question are as varied as the situations and personalities of each woman. end of post.

ha ha! :) did you really think i could be that short-winded?!

what i've really been pondering on is what makes ME a good mom? what do i have to bring to the table to ensure a happy and healthy and memorable childhood for my kids? why me, for these kids...?

i don't take a kabillion pictures. i hardly ever break out that camera. i haven't written in any of their baby books in over 3 years. i don't do arts and crafts with them. i don't play soccer in the front yard with them. i don't dress them like shirley temple for school pictures. i don't volunteer at the school--although i do donate "supplies" like crazy. i don't make a big whoop-dee-doo over school spirit days and halloween costumes. i don't like the mess of cookie decorating, so we rarely do that. i don't keep my cool all the time...or even a lot of the time. i don't let them jump on the couch. or on my bed. i don't avoid fast food like the plague. i don't sew my girls' easter dresses. i don't even sew on joe's scout patches. i don't let my kids have a dog. i don't speak in hushed tones all the time. or ever. i don't feed them ice cream for dinner. i don't feed them home-grown vegetables for dinner. i don't...

i do... make their favorite chicken enchiladas and beef stroganoff.

i do understand girls. oh, aren't we all just lucky for this one?!

i do send them to school in clean clothes every single day.

i do hug and kiss them before they leave the house and before they go to sleep.

i do teach them to be kind and respectful and appreciative...not sure if they are learning that stuff sometimes, but i do teach it.

i do tell them how much i wanted them, what an important part of our family they are.

i do sing loudly in the car with them.

i do read to them...silly stories, chapter books, family history, and the scriptures.

i do push them on the swings and catch them at the bottom of the slide.

i do listen to them talk about their days...i love it!

i do snuggle them on the couch on saturday mornings when i'm rebelling against really being awake...

i do love their dad, and i even kiss him in front of them!

i do teach them to work and do their part.

i do share their excitement over fuzzy caterpillars, stray turtles, weeds/flowers, and cute hats.

i do detour for a round of wendy's frosties any time i can.

i do want to be a good mom.

in the end, i hope that what i do will matter more to my kids than what i don't...

i my heart out on the wii


  1. Awwww, you about made me cry. I'm always stressing over the things I don't do, I've never listed the things I do do. Thanks Amy!

  2. Adding to your list:

    You DO give them a bath/shower every single day! Add that to my don't list! :)

  3. i DO love you more than you will ever know!!

  4. You do so many wonderful things for your kids and are such a good Mom. I think the Lord knows what kind of parent we will be and what we will become. So he sends us children that help us become that and thrive on our particular parenting style. You're a wonderful Mom. I also love your kids. A-wesome!

  5. You're an amazing mom, Amy! And a terrific inspiration--thanks for reminding me to focus on the positive!

  6. I Do Love this post! Even though I don't make original comments ;)
