Friday, November 5, 2010

Show Your Man You Love Him - 1

Fall brings many different changes. One of the most noticeable is the falling of the leaves!

A few days ago I saw all the leaves covering my in-laws yard/garden and said to myself "My husband should rake up these leaves for his parents!". After I thought that, I remembered how hard it is to get him to do projects like this all by himself (especially when it is not a project that he enjoys)

So, then I thought about what I could write on the blog this week and came up with a great idea!

A great way to show your Man you love him is by helping him complete a chore that would normally be his alone!

We packed up our rakes, our son and the two of us and headed off to the in-laws to rake their yard. When we got there his Dad was already out there trying to take on the task alone (it was on HIS "honey do list"). You could imagine the surprise when we pulled up to help.
We got everything done in a fraction of the time that it would have taken him all by himself.
And, he was so grateful!
And, we all got to talk about things that I had never talked to my husband or his father about - EVER!
And, then we stayed and played games for a while.
So, the bonding part was a major bonus!

Afterward my husband said, "That was actually kinda fun."

Mission Accomplished!

we had to stop and play in the leaves too. :)

1 comment:

  1. Char this is a perfect idea;) I can't tell you how many times Matt has "helped" me out with things that he really didn't have to and as a result we grow closer. I should think of these ideas for him more often...and YOU know how hard of a task that is!(me thinking about someone other than myself) lol jkjk love ya
