Monday, September 6, 2010

Do you ever lay in bed at night with your mind going a million times faster than it normally does? Of you course you do, you're a woman. I don't know many that are lucky enough to escape this awful unfair torture, and for some of us it's a "normal" routine. Last night as I watched the clock until approximately 3:30 a.m. I started thinking about what I was thinking about. I realized that in the early morning hours of the "night" I am able to solve ALL of life's mysteries, make a plan for world peace, come up with the MOST amazing ideas, count the breaths of sleeping beauty next to me, make a list of everything that must be done the following day, recount the previous days activities and how I may have handled things differently...and cursing myself for not being able to get some shut eye... ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

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