Wednesday, September 22, 2010

let's pretend i'm oprah

ya know how every woman (that i know) would give her right arm and a cheesecake to be in the audience of oprah's "favorite things" show? well, today is your lucky day! i mean, sorta your lucky's time for my favorite things!!!!!!! i am sure--super duper sure--that you'll love them all, too!

in no particular order, may i present 10 things that make my life happy...

hooks...absolutely my favorite organizational/space saver item in the universe! we have hooks like this all over the house, in the bathrooms and bedrooms and by the door. i love getting the junk off the floor...backpacks, purses, jackets, hats, towels, swimsuits, aprons...hooks have proved to be a lifesaver as i try to make the most of the space in our house. hooks rule!

chips & salsa...hands down, my favorite snack! always hits the spot...we eat salsa on just about everything here, it's the condiment of choice for sure! really a big fan of fresh salsa, all chunky and spicey...mmmm

dr. pepper...yum! it's like my little happy place...i am drinking less of it these days, but i pretty much enjoy when it's running through my veins.

shout...not only is it named after my favorite household sound, it helps my spill-prone kiddies keep their clothes an entire season! i know, it's pretty much a magic show all wrapped up in a spray bottle. neat stuff.

texting...this, in my opinion, is the greatest invention ever in the history of anything ever. :) how many times have i not been able to answer the phone because someone is screaming? lots of times, that's how many. let's me multi-task like never before! i can have a conversation and watch "say yes to the dress" at the same time :) beauty!

dishes from ikea...more perfection! perfect size for the little kids, love the colors, and cheaper than you could guess. go ahead, guess!!!! 12 bowls, 12 plates, 12 cups, 12 spoons, 12 knives, 12 forks...$12!!!! this is not a joke. and we love them.

body spray...i'm not really a perfume sorta girl, but i'm also not really a stink-liking kind of girl. enter body spray...wa-la! current favs are "love spell" from victoria's secret and "cherry blossom" from bath & body works.

no tangle spray...i have girls. 3 of them. they have hair. lots of it. highly recommended by every female in my house.

clothespins...these are a fairly recent "discovery" at my house. i bought a large bag to hang up the kids' artwork in the playroom...and they got all used up before they even made it to the ribbon on the wall!! we have used them for several crafts--they are fun to paint and glue stuff to--but my very very very favorite thing to use them for is bag clips in the kitchen. i never had enough of those "chip clip" things to go around!!! but now...:) love love love clothespins!

ziploc bags...the possibilities are endless!!!! i use these all over my house, for just about anything you can imagine. every size, every type...we've got 'em!!

what are some of your favorite things?


  1. YOU are definitely one of my favorites!! Your posts always make me smile!!

  2. I agree with Jazz. YOU being my sister is one of my favorite things. So many of those things are my favorites too, what a small world. We must be related...or something ;) One of my (not) newest but most important things I love is scissors in the kitchen. How do people do ANYTHING without scissors in their kitchen?! Also DVR. And fresh, hot blueberry muffins smothered with melted butter. Delish!

  3. Shout, Ikea dishes, ziplocs, and clothes pins would make my list also. Some where on my list would be baby wipes. My kids are all out of diapers, but I still have wipes containers all over the place. At the absolute top of my list is chocolate!
    I always love your posts, Amy!

  4. oh, i'm with the scissors and the wipes, too!!! :) thanks, are all on my people list!!

  5. Oh and I just thought of another one: cream cheese. You and I have had this conversation before but what kind of life would be worth living without some cream cheese? "Why are we not drinking cream cheese?" ;)

  6. Uh so do I get a basket full of your favorite things Oprah? Just wondering...

  7. uhhhhhh...i forgot to add that my basket of gifts comes in the form of suggesting you purchase and use these items yourself :) i have a giving heart, it's true!

  8. Oh most of them make my list too. Expecially Dr. Pepper!!!!!

  9. I would have to say, cars are my favorite thing right now. I am soooo glad that I dont have to walk everywhere!

  10. I was a Shout devotee until babies came into my life. The failure of Shout in the fight against bananas led me to look for something stronger. Enter Spray 'n Wash (now known as Resolve Bright & White--catchy, eh?). Spray 'n Wash rules the world. And I LOVE the Spray 'n Wash Stain Stick.

  11. And I thought of another since I was in cleaning mode today. Clorox disinfecting wipes. For. Real. They eliminate the need for rags (Can I get an "Amen!" on less laundry?!), they disinfect, and you can use them anywhere on anything. Love them. They are my one cleaning item I can't be without.
