Friday, December 3, 2010

the Icy Vegetation, and Me

Back in December 2007 Eastern Kansas was hit pretty hard with a strong ice storm. It came on quickly and caught even Mother Nature by surprise. Many trees were so burdened by the weight of the ice that they snapped in half, falling on cars, homes, electrical wiring and even people. Many were injured and even more were left without electricity for weeks. These photos were taken the morning after this great storm. The photographer in me couldn't resist an artistically beautiful sight.

Yet, as I look back on these photos I begin to see more than just ice and branches.
I see life captured and frozen in a very vibrant part of growth. I see once plush, soft grass become like daggers. I see sheet of snowy, slippery ice cover the once steady and colorful ground.

I admit that there are times when I feel like this vegetation. Buried under a thick layer of ice. Full of live and color and strength, yet, some how with the weight of so many things layered on my shoulders there are days that I feel like I just 'snap'.

I feel like a pretty prepared person but I don't think we are ever really prepared for getting older. I mean everyone does it but no one really tells you the honest that you find out that Santa is not real and if you try to eat candy for dinner it will make you sick, and that grown-ups are not always as perfect as they seem!

The truth is that once you reach a certain age YOU are now the one responsible for inspiring those younger souls around you. And unfortunately, you wont always do the right thing, and there wont always be someone else there to help you pick up the pieces. However, God knows who you are and he knows that you are ready for this next step. Come what may, ice storm or temper tantrum, He will get you through it.

Deep down under that cold ice is a beautiful daughter of God who can get through anything. We just need time to thaw....

How many "ice storms" have you lived through?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Char. Thanks for sharing your feelings so perfectly. I totally get it and I'm right there with you.
