Monday, April 11, 2011

Sometimes I wonder... "How am I doing as a mom?"

You know, a little self reflection. As mothers we don't get a yearly review that comes with a 6% increase in our salary. However, we do have the opportunity to recognize the ques from our children as frequent as we would like. Those times when they do something and we didn't "ask" them to or prompt them at all. The moments when they don't know we are listening or looking. These are the times I fully take in how I am doing as a mom.

I admit, there are times when I am embarrassed by how they are acting or responding to a situation. I really have to take a step back in those moments and figure out  a new way to do things or a way to approach them differently about something I thought was pretty clear.

Then I have my very PROUD mommy moments, which have been of great frequency lately. Maybe it's the weather or something, but I feel like I just walked out of my yearly review with a 50% increase in my salary!

I have to share with you how I've done:

Belle said to me yesterday "I want to be a mommy just like you" greatest compliment a mother could have! I realize she is only 3 and doesn't see all of my imperfections, but hearing that from my daughter was so awesome and it came out of nowhere!

Matthew just in the last couple of weeks has made some wonderful choices! It seems he is really growing up and thinking about others. Just yesterday he found his sister at church and held her hand as they walked down the hallway looking for us. It was crowded and we were new to this building, but when I spotted him among strangers with his hand tightly in hers leading the way,  I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with complete pride in what Matt and I have been trying to teach him..."take care of your sister Matthew"...turns out, he does! It brought tears to my eyes.

Kenny is really just a natural pleaser. I get wonderful feedback as a mother from this child ALL the time! I'd like to believe it is me and all the hard work and effort I've put into raising him, but the truth really is, he is just so stinking sweet and caring all on his own! Thank goodness for that, it really helps my self-assessment! ha!

When you witness a moment by your child that has made you proud, let them know and then remind yourself how AMAZING of a job you are doing!


  1. i'd give you an "a" are a great mom, everybody knows it :)

  2. Aww!! I LOVE this post!! Donnie is my natural pleaser...Layne is...well, umm...a handful!! =)

  3. I really enjoyed reading this post...I am normally a glancer, but this time I read it all! :)
    Thanks, Char
