Friday, April 1, 2011

Win a Trip to the BAHAMAS!!!!

I have an awesome deal for all our followers!
Through a friend of a friend I was able to get 2 tickets to the Bahamas for one of you lucky girls to WIN!

Bahamas Guide

Any of you worn out and ready for some warm sunshine? Need a break from the kiddos? Need a break from the spouse?!?!? You have come to the right place.

To enter this most amazing giveaway just make a comment below telling us how old you were when you had your FIRST KISS....

and THEN,

click HERE to get all the juicy details about the Bahamas.

Good luck to all!


  1. I was 20 when I had my first kiss:)

  2. i have been kissing as long as i can remember

  3. If you want to get technical i was 6 and it happened under the table in kindergarten class! :) but my real first kiss i was 18!

  4. Honestly, I was about 15 and the guy kissed like a slobbery dog....and I didnt kiss again till I met my husband! And that's the truth.

  5. Awesome....I was 15. If only I'd won that trip!

  6. hehe... I was 14... it was a truth or dare. And I thought it was SO GROSS I didn't do it again until I 19! ;)

  7. I was 14, and had no clue what I was doing. Bad thing it was at Church camp too. :0 Waited a while again before kissing another :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I have the exact date and time written down somewhere, but I was 12 or 13 (don't tell my parents) and it was the best day of my life (at that point in life)! :)
