Friday, April 29, 2011

Trash Day

Do you ever have those days where you forget to take the trash to the curb?
I hate those days...almost like if you cant get that right then nothing happens your way that day.
I have secretly wanted my husband to be a trash man. Good pay, good hours, simple job...yet smelly. But I can handle smelly.

Anywho, I have been thinking quite a bit about media this past week with the S@HM challenge of "Internet Fasting" and all. I was unable to partake in that but have been thinking about all the other electronic items in my house stealing time and life from me and my family. I always thought that video games were fine in moderation and never thought the people around me were that "addicted" to them for it to make a big difference. Boy was I wrong!

It almost seems like the further you get into the "worldly things" the further you get from your true self. I feel like the games and movies and shows are all taking us to this alternate reality where we can be and do whatever we want instead of actually doing it in REAL LIFE!! Sometimes I just don't understand.

So, I have been cutting down on how much time I spend doing "life waisting" activities (like watching movies, shows or being on the Internet for an extended period of time just messing around). I feel different too. Almost like a breath of fresh air....I just wish I could say the same for my family. You know how they say "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."
Well, that is how I feel.

I feel like everyday is trash day and I just can't get the trash out on time....

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