Sunday, April 17, 2011

Background Noise...

S@HM Amy and Myself decided to institute for our very own sanity a "NO INTERNET WEEK". A challenge we would like all of our S@HM 's to take!

So we would love for you to join us in this challenge too! We will return Monday April 25th and hope to share with you some of our fun experiences we were able to have without the entertainment of the Internet.

Possibly a little extra time for some much needed attention to our homes. Time for one on one with each child without any distractions. And maybe even a conversation with our husbands that doesn't include "today's facebook status'" ha!

Have a fun week and please share with us your feelings about stepping back and refocusing on our facebook page NEXT Monday:)


  1. bring it! so ready to try this out :)

  2. nice ladies. I felt that way about 3 months ago and deleted my facebook. I miss certain things about it but on the other hand I don't need to know everything I was reading about either. LOL good luck and hope you all have a blast with your families. I will check back next Monday.
