Monday, March 7, 2011

sleeping arrangements...yaaawwwnnn!

does reading the word "Yawn" make you yawn the way that seeing someone yawn makes you yawn? it does me! So lets all YAAAWWWNNN together.

i am admittedly probably a little more on the selfish and mean side of most mothers. i say this's true, and i'm not in denial about the issues i have. however too, i feel that i am just fine with who i am and how i mother my children. i actually think i mother wonderfully better than other mothers. i know...laugh it up, but i am the best mom for these little people who fill my world. how do i know that? b/c "i AM their mother" (that's from TOFW 2010 Memphis, whoop whoop). anyway i go into my own selfishness and meanness only to explain the reason behind the madness...

low tolerance-that's how i would describe my ability to handle children sleeping in my bed! it's my bed. i bought them each a bed and they should sleep in it. even when the kids were infants i didn't do the whole co-sleeping thing or even the bassinet in my bedroom. i didn't want to hear every coo and cry. if i needed to nurse or give them a bottle i got up walked to their room sat in the rocking chair did the business and then laid them back in THEIR bed. i wanted to keep things as "normal" as possible for matt and i. i wanted to soak up every minute, and every second of sleep i could get. i wanted and still want my room for me. i share EVERYthing else in my life, but my room, my bed....i just can't do it. i have to have this place for matt and i.

recently we've had sneaky kids getting into our bed in the middle of the night. most frequently its a little girl we call belle. she will get scared or have a pee accident in her bed and then just climbs right in as if she were invited. imagine that. once in awhile it will be the boys hoping in. shoving their feet into my side or their head on my stomach or their butt into my back. this is just unacceptable behavior. i mean i get the whole monsters in the closet, bad dreams and such, but REALLY climb into your brothers bed!

sometimes i lock our door so they can't get in during the night if they do wake up. better yet, sometimes i lock their door so that if they wake up in the middle of the night, in their sleepy slumber, they won't be able to figure out how to unlock it and then turn around and get back in their bed. i actually think it works.

at this point you may be questioning if i even love my children. the answer is yes, of course. i do love snuggling and cuddling and napping with my babies. however, my stance on our sleeping arrangement will always remain the same...sleep in your own bed or i will give it to a little child who will. yawn.


  1. I'm with you on that one! That's another reason I won't have a TV in my bedroom. My 3 sisters do...and I swear it's almost the most popular room in the house. My room is just that...MY room!

  2. ah, i'm yawwwwning!! probably because i shared my bed last night with a spencer and an ellie...:) i should really adopt your "tough love" policy, mean mom! :)

  3. this is sooooooo funny! so funny because i'm completely the opposite!!!!! i MAKE them sleep with me!!! it scares me when they sleep alone! i'm one of those weird moms! maybe that's why i'm ALWAYS tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
