Wednesday, March 30, 2011

breast milk baby

so i am not an e-mail forwarding type of girl, or a link-sharing on my facebook page type of girl...i just don't usually do that stuff.

but today, i am a link-sharing type of girl on this blog...i happened to see 2 minutes of a news program this morning (i never see the news in the morning, we have waaaaay too much going on around here) and i just can't believe how ridiculous some people are. really.

so there's this new baby doll out, called "breast milk baby"...instead of coming with magically disappearing orange juice bottle, this baby comes with a nursing cover-up...encouraging little girls to act like they are nursing their babies instead of bottle feeding. i guess some people are outraged, saying it's obscene and sexualizing little girls...poo! i think if you don't like it, don't buy it for your daughter.

personally, i don't know of a little girl that hasn't stuck a doll up her shirt and pretended to nurse it...myself included (30 years ago, mind you). i don't think it's a big deal at all...and this isn't even a "breast-feeding vs. bottle-feeding" issue.

so here's the link...tell me what you it too racy? or is it perfectly fine?

**don't forget to comment here, and/or on our facebook page...we love comments!!


  1. I'm with you - the "outrage" is ridiculous. The complaint that breastfeeding is sexualizing young girls is misplaced - nursing is not the cause of the sexualization of breasts, and if breasts can't even be used for their actual purpose, then it only showcases how sex-centric society has become. SAD!!!

  2. Obviously these people have never breastfeed or they'd know it's far from a sexual act. The world is so backwards it is disgusting.

  3. Seriously, if you don't want the doll don't buy it! The thing American's fail to realize is that breastfeeding is NOT a sexual thing! Why do you think it's been such a hit in Europe? American society has made everything about sex, when the rest of the world sees things for their face value. It is a natural, beautiful thing as nature (or God) intended! That's how it is SUPPOSED to work! Do I think we need to pay $80 for a doll when we can just pretend with a regular doll? No. Am I outraged? No. Like these kids and the one father said, it gives their little girls a chance to bond with mommy when she is feeding her baby. It's another way to emulate Mom. If parents are so worried about society teaching their girls about sex and getting pregnant then they should not leave the job to society and educate them themselves, you know, like a PARENT. I don't think this doll makes little girls (or teenagers) want to become pregnant anymore than a regular doll would.

  4. I wouldn't buy my daughter this doll...I think breast feeding is for mommy...

    The same reason I wouldn't let her wear's for mommy...

    However, I'm not outraged at all...

    I think Teen Mom on MTV and 99.9% of the music videos are more likely to cause early pregnancy than this baby doll!

  5. Jazzy, don't you think that, following that thinking, a baby is also for mommy? Isn't giving babies to our children also having them simulate adult behavior? I just don't understand what difference it makes how a child pretends to feed their doll, in the end it is still children pretending to be adults, right?

  6. Well Anonymous, I think it's inappropriate for a little girl to pretend to nurse a baby.

    Why can't a little girl have a baby doll and pretend it's a little sibling? I think pretending to feed a baby doll through a bottle is more age appropriate than pretending to feed through the breast.

    I nursed my children and will continue to do so...but I'm mommy and there are just some things that only mommy can do and not the kids...

  7. Ok so my heart is racing and my ears are burning!!! I couldn't even finish watching the video! I'm with Jaz on this one all the way! I don't think it's ok to have a baby doll that "nurses" my 3 year old. That's just weird! Here lets make american girl dolls that wear tampons and then let our three year olds play with them and figure out how to put a tampon in. I'm obviously being sarcastic here, but that is what it is like. Bleeding from your vagina isn't sexual either but would you want your daughter learning about it so young? Totally inappropriate.

  8. Wow!!! That's all I have to say is wow!!!! I don't buy my daughter barbie doll stuff....
