Tuesday, March 29, 2011

10 Things NOT TO SAY to a pregnant woman!

I've enjoyed being pregnant...all three times.

However, until this pregnancy I've not realized that with each child you "look pregnant" faster than before!  WHAT THE HECK?!

I'm only four months and look like I'm seven months...
I've even heard that I look like I have twins in there!  =(  
(that may be the worst thing to say to me right now)

I've never been a "small" girl...
But my first two times I don't remember getting so big so fast!
Heaven knows it's not because of food...I actually hate the stuff at the moment!

So I came across a funny article on what NOT to say to a pregnant woman...
Made me laugh and cry...cry because of no other reason except I'm with child...

Read on:

I knew the next time that I got pregnant; I would have to deal with ignorant comments about my growing belly. During my first pregnancy, absolute strangers who wanted to know all the details about my blossoming baby bump fascinated me. At first, I welcomed the questions, until they started to become insults. I was so appalled by some of the comments that I decided to keep track of the worst insults that can be directed to a pregnant woman.
  1. Is that a linebacker in your belly?
  2. From your husband or significant other, “Babe, can you cook me something to eat?”
  3. Is your due date tomorrow?
  4. Lady, are you packing twins?
  5. You should hold off on the fries, because your baby doesn’t need anything else to eat.
  6. What are you eating now? Geez, you sure do eat a lot.
  7. Are you pregnant again? Every time I turn around you’re knocked up!
  8. Your ultrasound looks like an alien.
  9. You’ve got a big head. Your delivery is going to hurt!
  10. You’re about to bust! (When in actuality, you are only five months pregnant, with one child in utero).
There are over eighty million mothers in the United States. Instead of saying something that may land you in the “hot seat,” try to say something in a kind way. For example, “Congratulations, you look really great!” Or try, “You’re glowing and look so good!” Instead of being an annoying baby bumpgawker, please turn your harsh ridicule into positive affirmations. This will not only protect your feelings from being hurt, but will also shower joy upon a woman who has to carry a child for nine months, and most likely deal with other people’s inappropriate comments.


  1. I was SHOCKED at how people thought since I was pregnant it gave them total free reign to make whatever comments they wanted about my body. "Hey, I'M MAKING A PERSON HERE! Let's see YOU do that and see how hot you look!" I was more than aware of how awful I looked. I appreciated the nice comments, even though I knew they were lying:)

  2. Jaz, I am 9 weeks pregnant with my third and I am totally with you on this! I look like I did when I was about 6 months pregnant with my first. What the heck?!? And back then I was excited to start showing, but this time I just wish it would hold off for a while, right?
