Wednesday, March 23, 2011

a true story about a girl

once upon a time, i got engaged in the middle of the summer.

naturally, we had to choose a wedding date. this seemed rather problematic to us...i was 8 weeks from beginning my senior year of college, and i just didn't think it was possible to hammer out a respectable wedding in that much time. his parents lived in oklahoma. my parents lived in missouri. we lived in utah. rushed was sorta out of the question.

also out of the question was waiting until our christmas break, 6 months away...we were more than anxious to get the show on the road, you know? wink anyways...

that meant getting married in the middle of the semester. which meant a significant portion of time would be consumed with wedding travel. i'm an amazing multi-tasker, cramming in my studying and assignments seemed a small price to pay to become a a wedding at the end of september it would be. yay! (insert confetti and kissing, xxx)

with it being our last year in school and all, my roommates and i decided that semester would be the perfect opportunity to take a fun class together. we had varying majors and our class schedules rarely naturally, we chose bowling. yippee for bowling at the wilk! best.class.ever. who wouldn't love college credit for acting out your weekend fun twice a week?! :) bowling at byu pretty much beats bowling anywhere else. hands down.

oh, except for that whole "attendance is pretty much your entire grade" thing...the day i received my bowling syllabus was the day i died a little inside. this was the biggest dilemma i'd faced regarding my wedding: drop the class and miss out on that special bonding time with my friends (no freaking way) or miss 2 weeks of class and get an "f" on my college transcript--in bowling (no freaking way).

lucky for me, my young grad-student teacher saw my predicament and offered a generous solution.

"go bowling in your wedding dress, and i'll excuse all your absences. and i want pictures."

hee hee hee...this boy did not know who he had just challenged! we may or may not have been the girls that danced with lamp shades on our heads. we may or may not have been the girls who ratted our hair and covered our faces in mud mask for a walk around the dorms. we may or may not have been the girls who wrote the "whatever happened to the tuesday flier?" on! (shout out to the sisterhood!!)

wedding dress, veil, and cameras in hand...we did it. bowling shoes accessorize nicely with the white gown, don't ya think?

*just a note...the date on the pictures is because these are photos of photos...i was not bowling at the wilk in my wedding gown last night, just in case you thought you saw me

if you are wondering how this ties into being a stay-at-home doesn't, really. except that i went on to become a s@hm...and i wanted to tell that story. i think even moms can use a nice story now and then, don't you?

next time i take a walk down memory lane, i wanna wear bowling shoes.


  1. That is awesome. We just were at the Wilk this week bowling. We took the family out to Utah for spring break. While we were bowling a bowling class started. I had no idea that this was ever a class at BYU. Also learned that now all of those classes are pass/fail. I'm sure all of my boys will be taking a bowling class at BYU.

  2. totally remember this. that dave. glad i didn't have to strong arm him into dating you any longer.
    and it's a great mom story because it's a nice reminder that you weren't always a stay at home mom. you were once amy with no snot on your sleeve or poop under your fingernails.
