Monday, January 17, 2011

Oh Lucy.

In our family...we call these my "Lucy" moments:

 Clogged sink due to me being totally oblivious to the fact that I didn't put a strainer in the sink prior to trying to drain the water off of the noodles. I just dumped the whole pot in the sink and then turned around like it was normal, looked at the stove and then back at the sink and...*sigh*

I immediately thought "It's Tuesday, Mcdonalds happy meal night. I should just go get happy meals." However, my determination to make the BEST mac and cheese this side of Rogersville pushed through. I envisioned my boys being married and telling their wives that their Mom, makes the most Delicious mac and cheese! I could hear Belle calling me one day and asking "Mom, can I have your recipe? I just love that stuff!"

So I did what any other INSANE mother would do...I filled my pot back up, started fresh, excited that I could still pull it off.  AND low and behold my Velveeta cheese that was in the pantry...expired 6 MONTHS AGO! *SIGH* "OK" I thought, "I will just use up the cheese in the fridge. I have tons." I whipped it all up, put it in the oven and was so certain, so certain that my creation THREE cheese mac and cheese was gonna be a hit! I mean like Panera mac and cheese kind of "hit"!

No one liked it, and I believe I even heard "gross" come out of the mouths of those babes. We threw it in the trash. I then gave them a lecture on the starving children in Africa.

The only thing that came out of that dinner night was a good laugh for Matt and some clogged pipes!


  1. that story is even funnier the second time around :) good for you to take pictures!!!! makes me crave some up for lunch today? :)

  2. So funny :) Thanks for the laugh!
