Thursday, July 29, 2010

One of THOSE days!

Ever had "one of those days" where you wake up in the morning with joy and vigor and excited for all the things that you are going to cross off your 'to do' list?!
Well, my morning began just that way. I felt inspired to make bread...clean out my son's room and rid him of all the clothes, toys and extras that he has out grown...go to baby bookworms at the Library...make a wonderful dinner...take some fresh home-made bread to a neighbor and do ALL this before 4 o'clock!
Now, I did not think that I was aiming for the moon here, but apparently the universe had a different plan for me. And this is how my day REALLY went:

6am- baby up and cranky
7:30am - baby asleep and happy
8am - mommy getting dressed and happy
9:30am - baby up and mommy trying to get baby ready for Library trip...
10:10am - mommy yelling at daddy to get dressed or we will be late for the Library
10:35am - just made it to story time at Library (had a nice time)
11:45am - mommy begins bread making (very excited)
11:50am - baby crying for lunch (mommy gets distracted trying to do two things at once)
12pm - mommy realizes that she did NOT put the YEAST IN THE BREAD DOUGH!!!!!
12:30pm - mommy threw out old bread dough and began again WITH yeast, and put baby in safe place to play while mommy goes to the bathroom b/c mommy feels like she has not gone ALL DAY!
12:35pm - baby screaming.....mommy FREAKS OUT and runs from the toilet, with PANTS DOWN to see what the issue is.
12:36pm - mommy brings baby into bathroom to finish what she started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1pm - mommy begins to go through baby's room
1:03pm - baby has had enough of mommy ignoring him and decides that he will cry unless mommy holds him
1:10pm- mommy GIVES UP for the day, and takes baby to the family room where she can watch Netflix and sit on the floor while he plays.

And so there ended my joy, vigor and excitement that I originally felt today. Although I did not do many things on my list and those that I did do I had to do TWICE, I am sure I will wake up tomorrow with the same ambitions. And though I will probably fail once again, I realize that I can get there...even if it is one small victory at a time.


  1. I hear what you are saying! However, you should be proud of yourself for at least trying!! I can say I have never baked fresh bread, so I am impressed that you can even do that:)

  2. I posted a comment on here last night...where did it go??? That's weird. Anyway I'll just say that you're awesome. Sitting down, watching a movie and the baby...that's what I call multi-tasking:)
