Friday, July 23, 2010


Okay so I have been thinking alot lately about our need as stay at home Moms to over achieve. Come on you know what I mean the extravagant birthday parties, the treats for a classroom party that took you hours to make, the handouts for your church group. So it was that time of year again. Another birthday party and I was stressing myself out about this birthday cake. I wanted a 4-wheeler birthday cake, like actually shaped like a 4-wheeler so I found this picture and was stressing about how I was going to do it and how much time it was going to take.

So it was the day before the big day and I had no idea how this cake was going to get done. Then it dawned on me. THEY DON'T CARE!!!!!! The kids could care less how cute it is. They just want to stick candles all over in it and put their fingers in the frosting. So I gave up on my need to over achieve and went to Costco and bought a cake that feeds 48 people for $16.99, stuck a 4-wheeler on it and called it good. Do you think I heard any complaining? Nope just how cool it was. I am so going to try and keep this attitude of simple is better the rest of this year. I will be a lot less stressed and who are we kidding all the cutesy time consuming stuff is not for the kids. I think it is our sub conscious way of out doing each other. So the next time I have classroom treats I think I'll just go buy cupcakes :)


  1. amen! and 4 year-old just saw this picture and said "i want that motorcycle cake for my birthday!" :) inspiring!! :)

  2. I love your four wheeler cake! I say go simple or go home:)

  3. About time you started listening to me, Jill!

  4. the stress of trying to over achieve, sadly, usually lands me in getting nothing done!! lol how sad is that?!
    so 'amen' to your cake!
