Sunday, July 25, 2010

If you were to knock on my door right this second…

First. You’d be uninvited! :)
Second. This is what you’d see:
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I deep cleaned the kids bathroom. 
And when I clean one room…
the above images represent the condition of the remaining rooms in the house.
Giant. Hamster. Wheel.


  1. I think your house looks great! Is this dirty to you? haha If so I want my house to be dirty like yours:)

  2. ditto to sunny...i thought you were going to talk about how you got it all clean! :)

  3. LOL - Well I guess maybe the pictures don't do the messy house justice?! The rest of the house was trashed when I came out of the bathroom. I don't think the floor was even visible in Lilyan's room and that last picture is deceiving because our bathroom is seriously disgusting!
