Saturday, July 24, 2010

Now I know!!! Kids really do say the darndest things!

While enjoying an evening at a pool party last night, my five year old shed some light into some of our (I thought private) discussions. Here is how a relaxing time can go to a more "oh my gosh, I am embarrassed!" situation!

Many games were played last night, but the most memorable to me was the cherry seed spitting contest. All of the kids formed a line, and as the cherry bowl was offered to each one, it didn't seem like anyone was having an issue with the cherries, it came to my kid:) I noticed that she took a cherry and handed it back to the lady running the game. All I could see was my daughter shaking her head at her saying no. I decided to go on over to check things out. Big mistake! I walked over and asked, "whats wrong?" The lady turns around laughing historically along with everyone else within hearing distance of my daughter. She hands me the cherry and says I better let you handle this one! Of course I am confused, but almost irritated, because sometimes my daughter does have a bit of the, I am a princess thing going on. I just figured she was being difficult. That is when the lady told me what Raegan said, "I can't eat that grape, because if I do, it will make me poop!" I didn't know what to say. Everyone was cracking up! I tried to explain that the cherries were not grapes. She didn't want to hear any of it. She was sure that it was a grape. Finally, I gave up, and decided to just walk away with her to our table. Everyone got a really good laugh out of it. I guess the moral of the story is: 1. Talk to your kids about things that need to be said only to parents 2. Don't think that just because you have a girly girl she will realize this! 3. Hold on tight, because I have a feeling this is not the last time I will have the pleasure of dealing with an embarrassing situation!

My mom suggested I get a little notebook to write this cute stuff down in. Guess I need to do that really soon, because she is starting school soon, and we have a little boy that will be talking soon enough!


  1. hahahahaha! awesome, mandy!! yep, hold on only gets worse (more funny and embarrassing!) :) i could tell ya lots...

  2. Really funny! I love her! My kids have made me turn red in the face on more than one time. Can't we just go back to them NOT talking?!
