First of all, I thought it was Monday! =)
Second, when I realized it was Tuesday, I then realized I had an appointment to check the baby's heartbeat and such! I was only a minute late...literally, I got there at 11:31!
Third, this has nothing to do with my post, but I have officially entered the 3rd trimester! YAY!
Now, on to the post...the post that's only about 5 hours late...
But it's oh so good!
This is {part 2} to our "Secrets of Being a Good Mommy"...
If you missed {part 1} check it out...
It was posted last Tuesday...
As you know, I didn't want to paraphrase what these amazing mothers I'm quoting exactly what they've said...
"What's the secret to being a good mommy?"
Lovely mommy #2's response:
"...The first thing that came to mind when I pondered about a "secret" to being a good mom, especially to young children was something I learned from MY Mom and Dad...that we humans need to learn from the birds, and raise our children to leave the nest. Thankfully, we get to have our babies in our nests alot longer than birds do, but the philosophy is sound. Sometimes it seems like parent keep their children's wings clipped, selfishly, in an attempt to keep them near. Unfortunately, it seems to either cripple them (they never learn to make their own decisions or clean up their own messes) or drive them away. I think it's better to teach our children to fly and make their way in life.
The next thing I thought of is something that was always important to me, and both of the girls have mentioned to me since they have become independent adults that it was important to them, too...It is simply this: If you SAY you're going to do something, them be sure you DO it.
Third and last, it's NEVER too early or too late to start reading to your child! Reading is the basis of all other learning and the key to a whole other universe.
I know these things are not earth shattering, maybe not even unique, but they're the best general advice I can offer..."
How lovely is that?! I LOVED her "general advice", didn't you?!
Since reading her letter, I've looked at the birds differently. Each day I see or hear a bird, I think of how I can teach my sweet children how to fly on their own. I want them to be functional adults and caring members of society. Even a corrupt society is a society in which we can teach our children how to rise above and beyond!
I love, "If you SAY you're going to do something, then be sure that you DO it!"... I'm sure that goes for good ((like Chuck E. Cheese or Dairy Queen)) or not so good ((like timeout or following through with a punishment))... I think our children will benefit greatly from learning from their parents how to keep their word. If we don't have anything to give, at least we'll have our word to give.
Reading is one of my favorite things to do with my children!! Although sometimes I'm not in the mood to read, because I love to really get into it. And anyone that knows me, knows I'm just a tiny bit on the dramatic I LOVE to really get into their books! Plus, they have a blast when I do! So, I'm going to make a little commitment to myself, for my children, that I'm going to read to them...with our without the energy...I'm just gonna DO IT!! Because I just SAID I would...and I'm also going to keep my word!
So mothers...we can do this! We can learn to teach our sweets to fly, keep our word, and just read more!!
Stay tuned for {part 3} coming NEXT Tuesday!
Till next week...