Monday, November 15, 2010

When you don't know what to do...

I don't know what to do

when my child tells me that no one played with him on the playground today

when this same child  is crying, not just crying but sobbing because he will miss me when I die, and he never ever wants me to die because he loves me so much

when my six year old hears words from other kids that I swear he wouldn't learn until he was an adult himself

when my 2 almost 3 year old daughter tells me that she wants to be my friend but she can't "because I was so mean at her"

when I have to explain to my children why they aren't allowed to play with another child

when my child makes a very inappropriate comment in front of complete strangers or even worse in front of people I have to see again

when we are all in complete meltdown mode and daddy won't be home for 3 more hours

when I am reminded by my child of one of the worst mom moments I've ever had...which by the way was... 6mths ago

How do you make better a little boy who says no one played with him? I listened to him, hugged him and then gave him a piece of chocolate cake.

How do you respond to your princess daughter that tells you she can't be friends with you because you were mean at her? I told her "well you were mean at me, and so I was mean at you."

How do you explain to your children that they aren't allowed to play with certain other children? I told my kids that these other children are naughty and their parents didn't teach them right and they aren't being punished I just want to keep them safe.

 How do you cover up a comment made to a complete stranger by your son when he says "Whoa, she has a BIG BUTT"? I laughed hysterically and pretended he was talking about me and then in private explained that what he said wasn't nice.  

What do you do when your child reminds you of a horrible moment you had? I looked at him in shock and simply said "you aren't suppose to remember that".

Most of these happened last week, and the others, I just will never forget. It made me realize that sometimes I am just lost for words AND that I haven't even skimmed the top of this whole motherhood stuff.




  1. yes, i do have a big butt...i love that boy anyways! :) real questions, real it :)

  2. i love you so much!
    i've had to answer those questions myself!!
