Tuesday, November 9, 2010

the days are long, but the years go fast...

my little sister had her first baby last week. i'm super proud. :) she received this bit of advice that i have been mulling over in my head for several days...

the days are long, but the years go fast

oh.my.truth. right? no one knows that better than a mom! for instance...

yesterday spencer was supposed to take a nap. but he was most definitely not taking a nap. instead, he spent the entire 2 hours in his room...dipping everything he could find in the humidifier. that would include each individual torn page from joe's scout book. no joke.

yesterday (i swear) spencer was this scrawny little newborn that most definitely looked like a boy. you know how some babies could pass for boy or girl? just slap on a bow and no one would know, right? not spence. he just looked like a boy.

yesterday ellie peed her pants in the car. ew, that stinks. so instead of going to the gym (i really will find any excuse to not exercise, huh?) we went home and changed her, soaked up the seat, took apart and washed her car seat, and shampooed the upholstery. such a fun morning. and long.

yesterday ( i swear) i was snuggling this little pink princess. she made the cutest little squeaks and grunts. melt my heart! ellie had me wrapped around that perfect little finger...

yesterday gracie threw a fit about breakfast. apparently i only feed my children "nasty trash" and "gross slimy stuff". i am at a complete loss as to how to handle a 6 year-old tantrum at 6:30 in the morning...

yesterday ( i swear) i gave birth to this chubby little girl...9 pounds! she had a perfect little curl right in the middle of her forehead. and a personality to boot! getting her to crawl was easy...we just had to lure her with baby dolls and shoes...and off she went!

yesterday aubrey and i had the conversation about having to brush her hair before school. for the 869 billionth time. i got the look of death. i'm gonna have to check with some more moms, maybe this really is a rule that only our family has?

yesterday (i swear) the blondest little round-faced girl was teetering around, searching for her first easter eggs. each one was the grandest discovery! the entire contents had to be inspected and devoured before moving on in the hunt. i don't know who had more fun...me or her?

yesterday i did math homework with a 5th grader. i found out that i'm dumb and don't know what i'm talking about. and i also found out that my calculator is dumb and doesn't know what it's talking about. i wonder if i'll ever be as smart as him?

yesterday (i swear) i bought my very first jar of baby food. my baby was growing up! i just knew my baby boy was going to love pears. i was right. i think we owned more bibs and spoons than walmart. that is not a joke.

yesterday was a long day...

yesterday i did 6 loads of laundry...and put away half of it...


  1. Ok so when you become famous for being the most fantastic person, mommy, sister, friend, and oh yes writer EVER...will you please just mention me...so that I can be awesome by association? Thanks. Love it

  2. Yesterday you were my big sister pen pal, writing me notes in between college classes.

    Yesterday I realized that I don't take the time to write to, talk to, or think about my siblings that you took....and this is the age of facebook!

    I love you and miss you.

  3. Thanks for mentioning me in your post. That 'wisdom' has been on my mind non-stop since it was said to me. I am de-termined to "enjoy" the nights of less sleep with my newborn who would rather just stare at his Mama's face than sleep (or let me sleep). Pretty soon he will want nothing to do with me (although I P-R-A-Y that pre-teen stage spares us I know it's not likely). Love you more than chocolate!

  4. Man, Amy, you've hit the nail on the head when it comes to your blurbs about motherhood! I can so identify with you. I have 5 kids too, and a little mishievious "Spencer" myself- only she's 2 and has a whole future ahead of her(I'm sure) before she's totally destroyed or damaged everything in the house that DOESN'T belong to her! Keep on writing, sista!!!!
