Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Reasons why you'll see me in the corner...in a ball...rocking back and forth...losing my mind:

1)  My beloved Pittsburgh Steelers are only 2nd in the country...and the Superbowl was not much of a party...

2)  My daughter cut all of her barbie's hair off! 
I walked into her room to find a pile of blonde and brown hair next to her on the floor...
Sorry I don't have pictures...she was so nervous she cleaned so quickly!

and drumroll...

3)  This is what I found on top of my dryer...
On Sunday night...that would be the night of said non-party party...

 What's that you ask?!

What's all that gooey
sticky stuff all over
my curling irons
and flat iron?! 

That would be my GiGi Wax!!!  It was tilted JUST enough to spill ALL OVER the extra socks, my curling irons, and flat iron... 
Do you understand my corner rocking now?!


    I mean, if we didn't get our corner rocking in every now and then, we wouldn't be said "women", right!?
    But, couldn't you just wipe that stuff off?! LOL

  2. I find myself in my closet, in the dark, door shut, fetal postition, rocking and crying...when someone asks where I am...my family just says "She has gone to her quite spot"! NO LIE! hahah! We all have those days, weeks, months...lives! But "this too shall pass"! Love ya Jazzy!

  3. I'm so sorry Jazz! At least it was her Barbie's hair and not hers like Amy's girls like to do. And the wax, I hear ya! In cosmetology school that stuff was IM-POSSIBLE to get out of anything! Totally totally sucky. Best of luck.
