Monday, September 13, 2010

What would you do?

Patriot...seriously best roller coaster EVER!
We had the opportunity to go to an amusement park this weekend. However, the situation I found myself in was anything but amusing. As my Mom, Belle and I were standing in line to use the restroom before we entered the park we witnessed a daughter and mother having a spat. They were directly in front of us so it was hard to avoid what they were saying. The daughter was about 13years old (this 13 year old girl by the way was wearing $120.00 shoes and carrying a cell phone) and these were her words to her mother... "shut the f*** up and quit being a b****". I literally started shaking, my heart was pounding! I'm not one to hold my tongue, but I didn't know what to do. The mother responded by saying "do not talk to me like that. we are leaving as soon as we are done here". and the daughter..."whatever". 

I looked away and tried to distract Belle...and myself. I couldn't help but feel totally enraged. I was mad at this daughter. How dare she speak to her own mother that way???

 After finishing up in the restroom I walked past this mother and daughter on their way INTO the park. The mother was on the phone with someone and said "we are here, we will wait for you". I could NOT believe my own eyes. She didn't leave with her daughter like she claimed she would do. She was even smiling on the phone as her daughter stood next to her.

My Mom... leaned into my ear and said......
 "what would you have done?" Of course I had the answer immediately. "She wouldn't be wearing those shoes, carrying a cell phone or have a strand of hair left on her head if she were my daughter!!!".  As for the was very apparent to me that she created her own monster of a daughter.

So the question a situation like this do you ever say something when you hear a child disrespecting their parent?...especially when it's in front of YOUR kid?


  1. yikes...that's horrible!!! i think i would hold my tongue and mind my own business...but there would most definitely be some conversation going on between my and my child about appropriate words and respect and yadda yadda...use that as an example of how it most surely will NOT go down in our family...
    i can't believe you didn't go off on that girl :)

  2. I was waiting to hear what you said to her. Way to hold it in Jo. I'm proud of you. I would have at least thrown a water bottle though. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

  3. I know Shannon...thanks so much! I was pretty proud too:)I'm so glad I didn't have a thing in my hand! haha Slowly slowly slowly learning patience. I kept thinking how grateful I was that I didn't say anything. Knowing my luck the mom would have stood up for her daughter.

  4. You KNOW what I would have done, right?! What a brat!!
