Monday, July 26, 2010

Another Day

I didn't want to have "just another day" for ONE more day. I knew that I had a ton to get done, but I needed something to get me through the responsibilities at hand. I expressed my need to feel inspired to my Honey Beau before he left for work. He looked at me, dropped his things...and started to dance! With no music playing he openly performed all of his top hits and I just laughed and laughed! gets me every time! He did it! I felt inspired. Inspired to turn my music really really up, so that I couldn't hear the needs of my children when they call for me the first three times, and take the day head on! And to my surprise a few of my friends stopped by to encourage me...

Needless to say, I got MUCH accomplished! I mean what SAHM wouldn't want to clean for these kind of friends?! Laundry...DONE, Dishes....DONE, Floors...DONE, Closets...DONE, Bathrooms...DONE, Yard...yes I did....DONE! The T.V. did not come on at all and the kids...get this..they actually played with their toys ALL day! Amazing! Now as a side note I must say that I do believe EVERYday could be this productive. However, if it were then it would become "just another day" and seriously that would be no fun at all;)


  1. perfect! that's a really great way to look at productivity...if i did that every day it wouldn't be so special :) thanks for inspiring ME!!!! gonna turn up the tunes...

  2. Great job! Now after reading that I feel like I need to step it up. I did however get around to doing Pilates this morning. Along with 20 sit-ups and push-ups! So off I go, to get busy! p.s. Craig and I are in a competition to see who loses 7 pounds first! The winner gets some cash out of his fishing money!! Looks like I may be going shopping soon! (I hope:) Isn't it funny though, if he wins he gets HIS money! haha

  3. For some reason this reminds me of the awesome home teacher lesson we received last night... the pictures of "friends"!
