Tuesday, January 11, 2011

...fast AND easy...

That's what she said!

Okay, okay...I've received one of the greatest Christmas gifts of all time!
~Fast Easy Bread~

It is:
- fast
- easy
- delish
- addictive
- yummy

Now, when I say this is easy...I mean EASY!!!  I make at least 2 batches a day!  That's about 4 loaves of bread...but I don't just make bread...

I make Monkey Bread, Calzones, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Cinnamon Rolls, and Dinner Rolls...

I. Am. Not. A. Baker.

*but this stuff makes me feel like a PRO and makes me feel like I'm actually productive in the kitchen!*

I'm the kind of SAHM that HAS GOT TO STICK TO A SCHEDULE or my entire day is messed up and I feel terrible!  This does NOT interrupt my schedule at all!  It actually helps me out!!

So, since I'm in love with this stuff...I'm gonna tell you a little bit about it!

You can make homemade bread from start to finish in less than 60 minutes! 
It was brought to us by a SAHM!  We gotta give her props! =) 
It doesn't cost an arm and a leg!  
Each bundle makes 44 bread loaves or 44 pizza and the dough only costs you $0.79 even after buying the bread flour, salt and sugar! 
Less than a dollar!  How do we beat that price?!

I know you're iching to see where you can get this!!!

Fast Easy Bread  <- That's the website you can order from!
Fast Easy Recipes  <- That's the blog where you can get lots of recipes from!

I hope each of you decide to get this...it's divine!!! 
 **you'll thank me for it later!**

1 comment:

  1. This looks Delicious!! Gonna have to try it! Oh yes yes AND you make me Laugh! Please come visit me:)
